Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Geographer's Tools

Time has gotten away from me in and this blog has fallen behind in keeping the blog update.  The past few days have been a bit of a  blur.  Earlier this week we wrapped up the first section of chapter one and finished it out with a quiz on Tuesday.  After the quiz we have began our journey into exploring the geographers tool box.  Our exploration has checked out the strengths and weaknesses of maps and globes.  Not only did we learn what a map projection is, but also how they are made and why every single map has inaccuracies because of distortion. In order to demonstrate why distortion happens we  tried to flatten out an orange peel and learned that stretching and tearing always occurs...this is distortion. The three major types of projections that we must remember are the mercator projection, the equal area projection, and lastly the Robinson projection.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

National Constitution Day

Today we celebrated the birthday of the US constitution by honoring the document that laid the foundation for the creation of our country.  We learned that the constitution outlines the powers of the president, congress, courts, and most importantly the people. What makes our government and country exceptional is the fact that our nation was founded around limited government and giving power to the people rather than its leaders.  In honor of this tradition each class also got the opportunity to vote for their student council representatives. Later we had the chance to sign a large copy of the constitution and visit with the likes of Uncle Sam, James Madison, and George Washington.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Where In the World Is......Justin Bieber

Class today was focused on determining how longitude and latitude help us locate places on the earth.  It is best to remember that Latitude lines measure distance north and south of the equator while longitude lines measure distance east and west of the prime meridian.  Using this imaginary grid we can located any place on earth, celebrity, or car driving down the highway while using a GPS. Students were also reminded that scale tells us how distance on a map relates to distance in real life and the importance of a compass rose and map key.  Much to the dismay of many students we used Justin Bieber's head to practice determining longitude and latitude  Students were given a brief practice worksheet to complete for homework.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Day Worth Remembering

On September 10th all social studies classes finished taking notes on the five themes of geography.
1. Location
2. Region
3. Place
4. Movement
5. Human Environment Interaction
We then began an activity that asked them to apply these themes to Middletown.

Today we spent much of the class period discussing the significance of September 11th.  Each one of us learned what actually happened on that important day 12 years ago and how it has affected our lives and our country since.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Five Themes of iPads

It is hard to believe that the third week of school has begun.  Today we returned the continents and oceans quiz that was taken last week.  Student overall did very well with the quiz.  Students were reminded to keep studying their flashcards on land forms for a small quiz this Friday. Today I taught the students how to log in to their google drive account and access social studies worksheets.  Students were able to successfully begin to take notes on the five themes of geography using notability on their iPads.  Students learned about the first theme of geography which is location There are two types of location absolute and relative.  Tomorrow we will continue learning how the 5 themes of geography can be see in our lives!
                                                 Five Themes of Geography Graphic Organizer

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Welcome to Mr. Ressler's Social Studies land. This blog is entirely dedicated to my students and their parents.  Throughout the year I will strive to keep this updated with the happenings of our classroom.  Students and parents can tune in to see what happened in class each day, or simply drop by to review some of the major ideas from class.  I will also try to post videos and worksheets that are used in the classroom. If you dare to follow us through Social Studies Land hold on because you will never know where this route may take us!